Uncovering: The Theory of Positive Disintegration

Uncovering: The Theory of Positive Disintegration
by Krystyna Laycraft

This book was created to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Laycraft’s work on Dabrowski’s theory. Laycraft was exploring Dabrowski’s idea through the prism of her knowledge as a physicist, specializing in complexity science. Dabrowski stresses the importance of “emotional turbulence” in the process of transition from the lower level to the higher levels of mental life, which complies with the core ideas of chaos theory where sensitivity, instability and unpredictability are an inherent part of development. Through the perspective of complexity science, Laycraft tried to uncover some deep secrets of Dabrowski’s theory and bring further understanding of human development.

Published by Nucleus Learning, Calgary, Alberta, 2019
Price: $20.00 CAD

Acceptance: The Key to a Meaningful Life

Acceptance: The Key to a Meaningful Life
by Krystyna Laycraft and Bogusia Gierus

The book, “Acceptance: The Key to a Meaningful Life” is a mother- daughter cooperation, which gave Krystyna Laycraft and Bogusia Gierus a lot of joy and satisfaction. In this book, they show that acceptance is not only an attitude to a specific situation in which we find ourselves, but also, an outlook toward our lives. Acceptance, when merged with other emotions, creates emotional patterns, such as resourcefulness, curiosity, friendliness, love, and mindfulness, which make our lives rich and meaningful.

Published by Nucleus Learning, Calgary, Alberta, 2019
Price: $20.00 CAD

Odwaga Decydowania

Odwaga Decydowania
by Krystyna Laycraft

(In Polish) Książka, “Odwaga Decydowania” jest pani Krystyny Laycraft intelektualną podrożą poprzez wiele filozoficznych podejść do procesu podejmowania decyzji. Przez zastosowanie tych idei, pani Krystyna była w stanie przeegzaminować własne decyzje i zrozumieć ich wpływ na jej życie. Praca pani Krystyny zainspiruje innych do głębszej refleksji nad własnym życiem i zastanowieniem się nad rolą decyzji w przebiegu ich życia.

Published by Nucleus Learning, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 2017
Price: $20.00 CAD

The First Book of Hexa-Trex Puzzles

The First Book of Hexa-Trex Puzzles
by Bogusia Gierus and Alex Gierus

The object of the Hexa-Trex puzzle is to find a path through all the tiles to make a math equation. Try these fun and interesting Hexa-Trex brainteasers. Keep your mind sharp, with hours of challenging entertainment. This is the next puzzle phenomenon.
This book is perfect for the child practicing arithmetic wanting extra challenge, for the teacher trying to spice up math instruction, and for the everyday puzzler, who enjoys stimulation of the mind.

To try out some Hexa-Trex Puzzles, download the Hexa-Trex app (on Android) or online here: https://hexatrex.com/.

Published by Nucleus Learning, Calgary, Alberta, 2007
Price: $5.95 CAD