Hexa-Trex Puzzle 30
Hexa-Trex Puzzle 29
Hexa-Trex Puzzle 28
Hexa-Trex Puzzle 27
Hexa-Trex Puzzle 26
Bombardment of Information: are we overstimulating our children?
The other day we went to the Zoo with my boys (a five year old and a three year old). In the car, we were talking about which animals the kids would really like to see, and what animals would be there, etc. I was pumped because the kids love animals and showing them an elephant in a book and in real life doesn’t compare. In a book, there’s no movement, no comparison in size with the surroundings, no texture. My five year old son was especially excited, and he had a million questions for me about the zoo and the animals: “How do the giraffes drink water when they’re so tall? Do giraffes have a red tongue or a black one, like daddy says?” etc.
Continue reading “Bombardment of Information: are we overstimulating our children?”Spelloops puzzle 6
Hexa-Trex puzzle 25
Competition – Is it a good tool to motivate kids?
I always thought that competition is an excellent way to motivate kids. Many times, I made contests in the class, competitions, etc. I always found it that extra bit more fun when I was a student, if I had to compete against some other students. That’s probably why I really like games. My friends always tell me that I am very competitive and some friends even tell me that I’m overly competitive. It’s true. I make a game out of everything. Even with myself. With anything I do, I try to improve myself, get faster, get more efficient… win.
Just like my life, I run my classes as a place to improve, a place to get faster, to understand best, to get more efficient – and what better way than a friendly competition?!
Continue reading “Competition – Is it a good tool to motivate kids?”