I am happy to announce that we have successfully published the Hexa-Trex Puzzle app on iOS. It is free to download so feel free to download and give us some reviews! Have fun HEXING!!!
Student misconceptions in physics – overview and how they are organized.

Some things are easier to learn than others. Piaget, one of the fathers of the constructivist movement, talked about two types of learning: assimilation and accommodation (Atherton, 2009). Assimilation and accommodation are the two complementary processes through which awareness of the outside world is internalized (Atherton, 2009). Continue reading “Student misconceptions in physics – overview and how they are organized.”
Hexa-Trex Puzzle 48
Hexa-Trex Puzzle 47
Hexa-Trex Puzzle 46
Hexa-Trex Puzzle 45
Teaching your child to be bilingual

All my children are multilingual. My first born, now seven years old, speaks, reads, writes (all fluently) in three languages (Polish, English, and French). My second is not far behind, he can speak both Polish and English and is now in French immersion kindergarten learning French. My third is just learning to speak, but he knows both Polish and English.
Continue reading “Teaching your child to be bilingual”Hexa-Trex Puzzle 44
Using Manipulatives in the Classroom

One of the most common mistakes I’ve noticed with my son’s swim instructor, is that the kids don’t listen to her, especially when she gives them a new “manipulative”. For example, first she gives all the kids swimming boards, then she tries to explain what they are to do with them (for example, kick while breathing to the side). Unfortunately, once they have their boards, the students stop paying attention, and instead start playing around with them.
Continue reading “Using Manipulatives in the Classroom”